Monday, May 27, 2013

Astrals Say No to GMOs

The Astrals are up in arms over the resistance to food labeling by the major corporations, especially Monsanto. Maybe the science around this is a little ambiguous, but we just want the food labeled so we can make our own choice. Plus, Monsanto is a big, old evil enterprise so when we got the word that there was a globally coordinated protest against GMOs in our food supply, scheduled for May 25th, we were all in. Our local march was in New Brunswick, NJ and was pretty well attended. I estimate there was about 750 protesters from a very wide demographic set. It was chilly and windy but the march was peaceful and the NBPD was actually friendly, which was nice to see after seeing the NYPD in action when we marched with Occupy.

Young hippy, old hippy feel all right..

Got to have some Anonymous for atmosphere.

The local organic co-op was the starting point and 
we marched about two miles to Buccleuch Park.

Right on!

Astral Wendy made her own protest poster.

We passed this house on Easton Avenue and these three
young girls were chanting 'Say No to GMO."

Sometimes you have to hug a tree. The winds were howling
and I found $100.00 in the grass. Astral Wendy said it was a
gift from the tree so she gave the tree a hug.

Here's an extra video bonus:

Walking back we saw this car, proving once again
that Funny Things are Everywhere.

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