Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Day for Banking and Booking

The closing went off without a hitch and now we're officially property-less. Today we need to tie up a few more loose ends and get our financial affairs in order. That's the Banking part. Boring but necessary. Plus, the whittling down will be easier when we can actually see what will and will not fit in the van. I can hear 'The Bare Necessities' from the Jungle Book playing in my head. Wendy keeps saying that, when we come rambling back through to visit the family next year, we'll probably have pots and pans hanging and rattling from the outside of the van and that the kids will have draw straws to see which of them has to suffer the embarrassment of letting the wandering gypsies park in their driveway. Ma and Pa Kettle comes to mind.

But we have still time to kill before the van arrives. We were going to do some more whittling down of possessions but I think we're both at the point where looking at another packing box will push us over the edge. So, it became obvious that, with some time to kill, a wad of jack, and the emotional and physical exhaustion of the past few weeks, we could sure go for some battery recharging. That's the Booking part. So we're gonna fly somewhere warm tomorrow and lolly-gag on a beach for a few days. I know what you're saying: "Hey, this was supposed to be a blog about a road-trip! What a rip-off!".

The runes council patience.



  1. Wendy and Gerry,
    I think you are doing the right thing, in having a few days to relax( if possible) and to let the 'new way ahead' sink in and let you see all the possibilites, that are ahead of you along the open, unfettered road!
    Good Luck and Enjoy the sunshine,
    Best wishes, Eileen

  2. Well Good luck to you both. I hope you find what you're looking for. See you when I see you. Be safe.

